Saturday, October 27, 2007

2007 World Series Game 3

I had the awesome opportunity to attend the first World Series game to have ever been held in Denver, CO thanks to some wonderfully generous people in our church. The Rockies might not have won, but I got to see their first World Series home game in history, and attended the longest 9 inning World Series game in history. Lots of fun!

Here I am sitting in the Purple row at Coors Field which represents exactly one mile high.Coors Field is still my favorite ball park, can you tell?

This is a picture of the very first pitch of the game.

I came home with a few souvenirs from the game. Half were "free".

Camping @ Red Rock Canyon

Camping at Redrock Caynon over Fall Break was a 3 day, 2 night adventure in our new tent.

Sydney was quite the little hiker on this camping trip. She took the the trail like a pro with her water bottle strapped on the whole way.

Sydney downing one marshmellow and "cooking" another at the same time.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Sydney's Big Girl Bed

Well we made the transition and Sydney is now in a big girl bed. Since she now knows the days of the week, how to spell her name, and the Pledge of Allegiance we thought she probably shouldn't be in a crib anymore.